Chapter 10 | Nutrition and the Digestive System

  1. How does the polygastric digestive system aid in digesting roughage?
  2. How do birds digest their food in the absence of teeth?
  3. What is the role of the accessory organs in digestion?
  4. Explain how the villi and microvilli aid in absorption.
  5. What are essential nutrients?
  6. What is the role of minerals in maintaining good health?
  7. Discuss why obesity is a growing epidemic.
  8. There are several nations where malnourishment is a common occurrence. What may be some of the health challenges posed by malnutrition?
  9. Explain why some dietary lipid is a necessary part of a balanced diet.
  10. Describe how hormones regulate digestion.
  11. Describe one or more scenarios where loss of hormonal regulation of digestion can lead to diseases.


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