Chapter 6 | The Musculoskeletal System

  1. What are the major differences between the male pelvis and female pelvis that permit childbirth in females?
  2. What are the major differences between the pelvic girdle and the pectoral girdle that allow the pelvic girdle to bear the weight of the body?
  3. What are the major differences between spongy bone and compact bone?
  4. What are the roles of osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts?
  5. What movements occur at the hip joint and knees as you bend down to touch your toes?
  6. What movement(s) occur(s) at the scapulae when you shrug your shoulders?
  7. How would muscle contractions be affected if ATP was completely depleted in a muscle fiber?
  8. What factors contribute to the amount of tension produced in an individual muscle fiber?
  9. What effect will low blood calcium have on neurons? What effect will low blood calcium have on skeletal muscles?
  10. How would muscle contractions be affected if ATP was completely depleted in a muscle fiber?
  11. Why do muscle cells use creatine phosphate instead of glycolysis to supply ATP for the first few seconds of muscle contraction?
  12. Is aerobic respiration more or less efficient than glycolysis? Explain your answer.
  13. What changes occur at the cellular level in response to endurance training?
  14. What changes occur at the cellular level in response to resistance training?


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