Chapter 5 | Tissues and Integumentary System
Sections 5.1-5.3
acclimatization alteration in a body system in response to environmental change
alteration change of the set point in a homeostatic system
apodeme ingrowth of an animal’s exoskeleton that functions as an attachment site for muscles
asymmetrical describes animals with no axis of symmetry in their body pattern
basal metabolic rate (BMR) metabolic rate at rest in endothermic animals
canaliculus microchannel that connects the lacunae and aids diffusion between cells
cartilage type of connective tissue with a large amount of ground substance matrix, cells called chondrocytes, and some amount of fibers
chondrocyte cell found in cartilage
columnar epithelia epithelia made of cells taller than they are wide, specialized in absorption
connective tissue type of tissue made of cells, ground substance matrix, and fibers
cuboidal epithelia epithelia made of cube-shaped cells, specialized in glandular functions
dorsal cavity body cavity on the posterior or back portion of an animal; includes the cranial and vertebral cavities
ectotherm animal incapable of maintaining a relatively constant internal body temperature
endotherm animal capable of maintaining a relatively constant internal body temperature
epithelial tissue tissue that either lines or covers organs or other tissues
estivation torpor in response to extremely high temperatures and low water availability
fibrous connective tissue type of connective tissue with a high concentration of fibers
frontal (coronal) plane plane cutting through an animal separating the individual into front and back portions
fusiform animal body shape that is tubular and tapered at both ends
hibernation torpor over a long period of time, such as a winter
homeostasis dynamic equilibrium maintaining appropriate body functions
lacuna space in cartilage and bone that contains living cells
loose (areolar) connective tissue type of connective tissue with small amounts of cells, matrix, and fibers; found around blood vessels
matrix component of connective tissue made of both living and non-living (ground substances) cells
midsagittal plane plane cutting through an animal separating the individual into even right and left sides
negative feedback loop feedback to a control mechanism that increases or decreases a stimulus instead of maintaining it
osteon subunit of compact bone
positive feedback loop feedback to a control mechanism that continues the direction of a stimulus
pseudostratified layer of epithelia that appears multilayered, but is a simple covering
sagittal plane plane cutting through an animal separating the individual into right and left sides
set point midpoint or target point in homeostasis
simple epithelia single layer of epithelial cells
squamous epithelia type of epithelia made of flat cells, specialized in aiding diffusion or preventing abrasion
standard metabolic rate (SMR) metabolic rate at rest in ectothermic animals
stratified epithelia multiple layers of epithelial cells
thermoregulation regulation of body temperature
torpor decrease in activity and metabolism that allows an animal to survive adverse conditions
trabecula tiny plate that makes up spongy bone and gives it strength
transitional epithelia epithelia that can transition for appearing multilayered to simple; also called uroepithelial
transverse (horizontal) plane plane cutting through an animal separating the individual into upper and lower portions
ventral cavity body cavity on the anterior or front portion of an animal that includes the thoracic cavities and the abdominopelvic cavities