Main Body

Reproductive System Anatomy

Learning Objectives

  • Identify male and female reproductive system gross anatomical structures.
  • Identify male and female reproductive system microscopic structures.

Gross and Microscopic Anatomy

Use local resources to view structures of the reproductive system.

Female Reproductive Structures List

  1. Complete Female Reproductive System- Anterior view
    1. Ovary
    2. Ovarian ligament
    3. Oviduct (Fallopian tube)
  2. Complete Female Reproductive System- Lateral view
    1. Ilium
    2. Piriformis muscle
    3. Internal obturator muscle
  3. Female Pelvis- Organs removed- Anterior view
    1. Sacrum
  4. Female Pelvis- Organs removed- Inferior view
    1. Labia minora
    2. Labia majora
    3. Sacrotuberous ligament
    4. Sacrospinal/sacrospinous ligament
    5. Levator ani muscle
  5. Excised Female Pelvis Organs- Superior view
    1. Broad ligament
    2. Round ligament of the uterus
    3. Ureters
    4. Recto-uterine fold
  6. Female Pelvic Organs- Sagittal view
    1. Vagina
    2. Uterus
    3. Cervix
  7. Female Pelvis- Sagittal view
    1. Urogenital diaphragm
    2. External anal sphincter
    3. Internal anal sphincter

Male Reproductive Structures List

  1. Complete Male Reproductive System- Anterior view
    1. Penis
      1. Glans penis
    2. Corona
      1. Prepuce
    3. Scrotum
    4. Spermatic cord
    5. Ureters
  2. Complete Male Reproductive System- Sagittal view
    1. Corpus cavernosum
    2. Corpus spongiosum
    3. Bulb of penis
    4. Fundiform ligament
    5. Spongy urethra
    6. Membranous urethra
    7. Bulbourethral gland
    8. Prostate gland
    9. Urogenital diaphragm
    10. Internal anal sphincter
    11. External anal sphincter
    12. Levator ani muscle
    13. Obturator internus muscle
  3. Male Reproductive System- Accessory Organs- Sagittal view
    1. Prostatic urethra
    2. Ejaculatory duct
  4. Male Reproductive System- Penis and testicle
    1. Scrotum
      1. External membrane
      2. Tunica dartos
      3. Fascia spermatica externa
      4. Cremaster muscle
      5. Fascia spermatica interna
      6. Testis
      7. Epididymis
      8. Ductus deferens

Attributions for “Reproductive System Anatomy”:

Female Reproductive Structures List by Marissa Sumida / CC BY 4.0
Male Reproductive Structures List by Marissa Sumida / CC BY 4.0


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Anatomy and Physiology 2 Laboratory Manual Copyright © 2019 by Sheryl Shook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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