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Cardiovascular Anatomy

Learning Objectives

  • Identify cardiovascular system gross anatomical structures.
  • Identify cardiovascular system microscopic structures.

Gross and Microscopic Anatomy

Use local resources to view structures of the cardiovascular system.

Circulatory System Structures List

  1. Circulatory System- Arteries- Head and shoulders
    1. Aortic arch
    2. Brachiocephalic (brachiocephalic trunk)
    3. Common carotid arteries
      1. External carotid artery
        1. Facial artery
    4. Subclavian arteries
  2. Circulatory System- Arteries- Trunk
    1. Descending aorta
    2. Celiac trunk
      1. Left gastric artery
      2. Splenic artery
      3. Common hepatic artery
    3. Superior mesenteric artery
    4. Renal artery
    5. Gonadal artery
    6. Inferior mesenteric artery
    7. Common iliac artery
      1. Internal iliac artery
      2. External iliac artery
    8. Median (medial) sacral artery
  3. Circulatory System- Arteries- Arms
    1. Axillary artery
    2. Subscapular artery
    3. Humeral circumflex artery
    4. Brachial artery
    5. Radial artery
    6. Ulnar artery
    7. Interosseous artery
  4. Circulatory System- Arteries- Hands and upper legs
    1. Superficial palmar arch
    2. Femoral artery
    3. Lateral circumflex artery
    4. Medial circumflex artery
    5. Deep femoral artery
    6. Descending genicular artery
    7. Popliteal artery
    8. Lateral superior genicular artery
    9. Medial superior genicular artery
    10. Lateral inferior genicular artery
    11. Medial inferior genicular artery
  5. Circulatory System- Arteries- Lower legs and feet
    1. Anterior tibial artery
    2. Dorsalis pedis artery
    3. Peroneal artery
    4. Posterior tibial artery

Heart Structures List

  1. Heart- Exterior- Anterior view
    1. Right atrium
    2. Right ventricle
    3. Left atrium
    4. Left ventricle
    5. Apex
    6. Base
    7. Superior vena cava
    8. Pulmonary trunk
    9. Pulmonary arteries
    10. Pulmonary veins
    11. Aorta
    12. Brachiocephalic trunk
    13. Anterior interventricular artery
    14. Great cardiac vein
  2. Heart- Exterior- Left lateral view
    1. Inferior vena cava
    2. Circumflex branch of left coronary artery
    3. Left marginal artery
    4. Left marginal vein
    5. Coronary sinus
  3. Heart- Exterior- Right lateral view
    1. Right coronary artery
      1. Muscular artery
      2. Right marginal artery
    2. Anterior cardiac vein
    3. Right marginal vein
  4. Heart- Open atrium- Lateral view
    1. Pectinate muscle
    2. Fossa ovalis
  5. Heart- Open ventricles- Right anterior view
    1. Tricuspid valve
    2. Chordae tendineae
    3. Papillary muscle
    4. Trabeculae carneae
    5. Pulmonary semilunar valve
  6. Heart- Open ventricles- Left anterior view
    1. Interventricular septum
    2. Bicuspid valve
    3. Aortic semilunar valve

Attributions for “Cardiovascular Anatomy”:

Circulatory System Structures List by Marissa Sumida / CC BY 4.0

Heart Structures List by Marissa Sumida / CC BY 4.0


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Anatomy and Physiology 2 Laboratory Manual Copyright © 2019 by Sheryl Shook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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