Lab Orientation and Safety


KCC Anatomy and Physiology STEM Center Annex

An on-campus place to study gross anatomy models. Located inside the main KCC STEM Center (Koki‘o 203).

The main STEM Center also has resources such as computers, printing, free coffee, peer mentoring and more. Bring your lunch, get some free tutoring, study in a comfortable space, and succeed! Please note, the main STEM Center space is separate from the A&P annex. Food is not allowed in the A&P annex in an attempt to keep the models clean.

Always sign in when using the STEM Center.

See the KCC STEM website for hours for the main room and A&P annex.

KCC A&P Website

See the KCC A&P Online Resources website for computer and mobile device access to images of gross anatomy models and microanatomy:

Username and password provided by your instructor and at the bottom of your class schedule.


Laboratory Rooms

Your lab may be conducted in different rooms (Koki‘o 203 and 205) during the semester. Check your schedule. Koki‘o 205 is a wet lab so has different rules and safety requirements, such as shoes that completely cover the feet. There are no exceptions to the safety rules, so you will be turned away from class if you show up in sandals to room 205.

  1. Shoes that completely cover the feet are required in the wet laboratory (Koki‘o 205).
  2. Eating and drinking are not allowed in the lab. Report to instructor any equipment malfunctions or breakages.
  3. Never cut with a scalpel toward your body or hand or a classmate’s hand who may be holding the specimen.
  4. Ask instructor if you do not understand the proper use of lab instruments.
  5. Disinfect your lab table after every dissection and experiment.
  6. The use of the laboratory is restricted to assigned lab exercises only.
  7. Know the location of the first aid kit and eye wash station.
  8. Report to instructor any cuts, pokes, splashes, or chemical reactions.

Anatomical Models

  1. Wash your hands before handling the anatomical models.
  2. Locate the models in storage cabinets.  Please return models to the appropriate cabinet when finished.
  3. Certain models (reproductive and brain models) must be checked out from the student monitor and require the presentation of identification.
  4. No student should write on, mark or re-label any of the anatomical models.

Safety and Warnings

The animal specimens have been fixed in formalin, an aqueous fluid that contains formaldehyde. Formalin is an irritant of the upper respiratory tract, eyes, and skin. The U.S. EPA classifies formaldehyde as Group B1, a probable human carcinogen; and the World Health Organization classifies it as carcinogenic to humans. For these reasons our animal specimens, once fixed in formalin, are preserved and shipped in other formalin-free liquids, such as ethylene glycol. Nevertheless, when specimens are cut open, formaldehyde is released, and the following precautions should be made.

  1. Wear appropriate gloves and avoid any skin contact with the specimen and fluids. Any skin contact with preservative fluids should be washed off immediately. Report any skin reactions to the instructor.
  2. Wearing a lab coat or covering of a long sleeve shirt is recommended to protect your arms and clothing that can be damaged by the fluids.
  3. Wear protective goggles at all times when specimens or chemicals are out in the lab. Glasses are not sufficient; goggles are required.
  4. Never drink any fluid in the lab as it may be lethal.
  5. Drain, rinse with water, and pat dry your specimen before use to minimize fumes.
  6. Keep dissection tray clear of fluid accumulation.
  7. All dissections in Koki‘o 205 must be done with all windows and doors fully open and all fans running.
  8. Students who are pregnant or have health concerns, chronic health conditions, or sensitivities, including but not limited to respiratory conditions, should consult with the instructor about alternate learning activities for dissection days. Many professors provide the online-course version of the dissection assignment.
  9. Do not remove any specimens or materials from the lab.
  10. On biohazard days, dispose of all biohazard materials in boxes clearly marked for biohazard waste.
  11. Any broken glass or sharp waste needs to be disposed of in sharps container.

Risk and Release Form

Your instructor will handout a department form stating assumption of risk and release from claims. All students sign before participation in this lab course.


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Anatomy and Physiology 2 Laboratory Manual Copyright © 2019 by Sheryl Shook is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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