3. Spacecraft Design Drivers, Space and Orbit
3.1 Design Process Parameters
Design parameters and drivers exist for both the systems engineering process and the spacecraft bus product. Very briefly, the systems engineering process is affected by nontechnical parameters like current technology feasibility [NASA SmallSat SoA Tech], needs vs. capabilities approach, funding availability, and characteristics of the program [NASA Systems Engineering Handbook].
Characteristics of the Program

Characteristics of a space program or project can be broken down into the following parameters:
- Type of mission. For example, the requirements for a human space flight mission are much more rigorous than those for a small robotic mission.
- The criticality of the mission in meeting the Agency’s Strategic Plan. Critical missions that absolutely must be successful may not be able to get relief from NPR requirements.
- Acceptable risk level. If the Agency and the customer are willing to accept a higher risk of failure, some NPR requirements may be waived.
- National significance. A project that has great national significance may not be able to get relief from NPR requirements.
- Complexity. Highly complex missions may require more NPR requirements in order to keep systems compatible, whereas simpler ones may not require the same level of rigor.
- Mission lifetime. Missions with a longer lifetime need to more strictly adhere to NPR requirements than short-lived programs/projects.
- Cost of the mission. Higher-cost missions may require stricter adherence to NPR requirements to ensure proper program/project control.
- Launch constraints. If there are several launch constraints, a project may need to be more fully compliant with Agency requirements.

For this course, we are focusing on programs similar to Type D, where programs are low priority, high risk, minimally complex, and have low national significance, small budgets, short mission lifetimes, significant alternative or re-flight opportunities. Cube satellite missions are on the extreme end of Type D missions, where student-led program costs rarely exceed tens of thousands of USD, are primarily educational programs (low significance) with little to no success, and finish within a few years. CubeSats are a great way to demonstrate state-of-the-art technologies cheaply or to launch a multitude of satellites to demonstrate distributed sensing, which offers compelling missions. For spacecraft bus components that are not the payload, there are many commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) parts that can be purchased. For funding availability, the NASA CSLI is probably the best bet to get your CubeSat to space as a student organization for which there are plenty of writing tips in the CSLI handbook, like in the figure above. You can get potential funding to purchase hardware or fund labor from the NASA Space Grant Consortium in your state.

Crowdfunding is also an option, like LightSail or KickSat, or commercial funding through venture capital if you have a profitable business plan, like Spire.

Review Process
During the reviews along the way, find a community that can offer honest feedback on your ability to fulfill the mission design and stay on track with cost and budget. You can find a CubeSat community on slack, through this Pressbooks forum, or through faculty mentors at your university. You want reviewers “who have knowledge/experience with your focus area (science, technology and/or education), that can assess why a flight opportunity is required, with knowledge of space flight and spacecraft, but otherwise knowledgeable in various areas of hardware and project development and that can assess your team’s ability to deliver your spacecraft on time and on budget” [CSLI]. Make sure to include your customer in this review panel. You can have a number of reviewers to fulfill the sum of reviewer requirements.

Design Process
During the design process, you will need a variety of software applications that can save you time and achieve better results than reinventing the wheel. We will only mention free software as we want to reduce any financial barriers associated with this project. Mechanical structural design and analysis may be achieved with OnShape or Autodesk Inventor. Electrical board design and simulations may be achieved through Eagle, KiCAD, PCB Artist, and PSpice. Thermal analysis may be achieved with a thermal desktop. Orbit design and analysis may be achieved through STK. Flight software may be written through NASA’s open-source version of CFS, OpenSat Kit.
Artemis Kit Specific
HSFL’s very own COSMOS was provided to you with the kit. Every lab module or tutorial in this textbook will step through relevant satellite design activities in which the relevant software and steps will be explicitly defined.
Development Process
During the procurement and fabrication process, you will need to pay attention to how you source your materials and the equipment needed to bring this hardware to spaceflight readiness. The Artemis CubeSat Kit should be complete to launch unto itself so if you want to demonstrate a completely software-centric mission, skip this section. But let’s say you want to modify the parts or start from scratch. The most important aspects of hardware selection from particular vendors are spaceflight readiness and export control.
Artemis Kit Specific
The Artemis CubeSat Kit should be complete to launch unto itself.
As CubeSat vendors are becoming more and more common, the variety of commercial-off-the-shelf parts allows more customization and direct fulfillment of your technical component requirements. Outside of technical requirements, component characteristics include space heritage, which is associated with cost, labor, and risk Typically, components that have been rigorously tested and have flown in space (TRL 9) reduce labor for rigorous testing and reduce mission operational risk. The downside of space-rated components is that they are typically very expensive to compensate for all the overhead development, testing, and proof of operations in space. There are several reasons why you may decide to buy a COTS component from any electronics vendor and do the testing yourself: the space-rated component is too expensive, the non-space-rated component is better suited for the requirements, or a mission goal is to gain space heritage for the component. The disadvantage to maturing the technology in-house is the additional cost of labor and testing equipment and the additional risk that must be managed. The mentality for big projects is to minimize risk as much as possible, using space-rated parts often, which may manifest as using outdated technology.
Artemis Kit Specific
The mentality of small projects, like CubeSats, is to accept and tolerate risk at a higher level, which was the mentality that the Artemis CubeSat Kit design team took.
HSFL had all the testing facilities (like a vibration table, thermal vacuum chambers, dynamics testbed, and clean room) to support verification testing of the Artemis CubeSat kit.
Artemis Kit Specific
None of the components are space-rated, which is the reason why we are able to get the kit to you at such a low cost, but we’ve rigorously tested all the components so that they theoretically will work in space. If you add a payload or modify any of the components, you will have to go through similar testing procedures as we’ll lay out in later chapters (HSFL is happy to do support).
U.S. export controls for the commercial space industry affect the composition of the team as the ultimate consequence is the ability or inability of team members of different nationalities to work on controlled technologies. “The U.S. export control system is designed to prevent the spread of sensitive technologies to foreign actors that could threaten U.S. interests, while at the same time allowing U.S. companies to engage in legitimate commercial activity. Controlled technologies include defense articles (e.g., missiles), defense services (e.g., integration of a spacecraft onto a launcher), and dual-use items (e.g., commercial spacecraft and components)” [FAA]. There are two sets of regulations: International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and Export Administration Regulations (EAR). The ITAR process controls items, information, or activities that could be used for threatening foreign military purposes, whether actual products (defense articles) or assistance (defense services). The EAR process controls items and technologies considered to be “dual-use”, meaning applicable to commercial or military use. The vast majority of commercial spacecraft and components fall under the jurisdiction of the EAR.
Artemis Kit Specific
We will dedicate a section to ITAR and EAR regulations but for the Artemis CubeSat Kit, none of the components are ITAR or EAR so anyone can work with the technologies inside the kit.