6. Communications

6.8 Technologies

Simplified Block Diagram of Spacecraft Radio Frequency Subsystem. SCHEMES, A. COMPARISON OF MODULATION. “CCSDS-SFCG EFFICIENT MODULATION METHODS STUDY.” (1993).

The hardware and software for communications differ on the spacecraft and ground, given the available space and power. Typically, the ground antenna is larger than the spacecraft antenna to increase the gain along with the link budget and there are fewer mass constraints on the ground. The ground antennas also transmit at much higher power for the same reasons, increasing the gain with fewer power constraints. For this section, we will focus on spacecraft technology, like antennas, transceivers, filters, and diplexers.


Antenna concept. Image by Share Tech Note.

Antennas are circuits (wires, apertures) that interact with EM waves by transforming electrical fields into currents (and vice-versa). Antennas receive & transmit RF (radio frequency) energy. The size/type selected is directly related to frequency/required gain.

Various sizes and shapes of antennas. Image by QPH.

There are different types of antennas:

A CubeSat with antennae made of measuring tape. Image by Net DNA.
Dipole Antenna 3D Radiation Pattern. Image by Raymaps.
The radar antenna for the tiny RainCube satellite folds up into a 10-by-10-by-15-centimeter canister. Upon deployment, its 30 ribs extend like an umbrella to form a parabolic dish. Image by JPL/NASA.
Parabolic dish antenna radiation pattern. Image by Antenna Magus.
BEESAT-3 CubeSat and its components (image credit: TU Berlin).
Yagi Antenna 3D Radiation Pattern. Image by Raymaps.
Illustration of the GATOSS nano-satellite with its helical antenna deployed. Image by ESA.
Helical antenna radiation pattern. Image by Mathworks.
The fabricated antenna on 1U Cube with various lift angles. Liu, Sining, et al. “A Printed Yagi Antenna for CubeSat with Multi-Frequency Tilt Operation.” Electronics 9.6 (2020): 986.
Yagi Antenna 3D Radiation Pattern. Image by Raymaps.
Deployment sequence of the reflector antenna. The antenna is initially stowed in a 1.5 U volume. (Top) CAD model of the antenna deployment. (Bottom) Photos of the deployment sequence. Chahat, Nacer, et al. “CubeSat deployable Ka-band mesh reflector antenna development for earth science missions.” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 64.6 (2016): 2083-2093.
Horn Antenna Radiation Pattern. Image by Raymaps.

An omnidirectional antenna radiates isotropically in all directions so that the emitted power density at a distance R >> \lambda is:

P(\tfrac{W}{m^2}) = \tfrac{P_T}{4\pi R^2}

Most antennas are directional, i.e., the intensity of the radiated power depends on the direction.

The gain patterns illustrate the directionality or directivity of the antenna. The directivity of an antenna produces a higher gain in that direction but the satellite must be pointing that axis toward the ground station more precisely to get that improved gain, a trade-off in ADCS complexity.


A satellite communication system is mentioned, where the role of a transponder is clearly magnified. Image by Daenotes. 

“A communications satellite‘s transponder is the series of interconnected units that form a communications channel between the receiving and the transmitting antennas. It is mainly used in satellite communication to transfer the received signals. A transponder is typically composed of” [Wikipedia]:

  • An input band-limiting device (an input band-pass filter),
  • An input low-noise amplifier (LNA), designed to amplify the signals received from the Earth station (normally very weak, because of the large distances involved.)
  • A frequency translator (normally composed of an oscillator and a frequency mixer) is used to convert the frequency of the received signal to the frequency required for the transmitted signal,
  • An output band-pass filter,
  • A power amplifier (this can be a traveling-wave tube or a solid-state amplifier).
Example of a PakSat-1’s components with a communication system that includes transponders, an antenna array, and a horn. Image by Blogspot.


Diplexer does multiplexing and demultiplexing of wide frequency bands with much appropriate difference. The figure shows L and H bands at S port. Image by R F Wireless.

A diplexer “separates two different frequency bands in the receive path and combines them in the transmit path. These frequency bands usually will be wide apart in the frequency domain for the diplexer to work satisfactorily. It is often referred to as RF power combiner/divider with the added functionality of filtering. Broadband Filters are used to pass appropriate bands at Tx and Rx path” [RFWireless]. The multiplexer is the extension to more than two frequency bands.

Diplexers configuration on a satellite. Image by Lemmy Morgan.

“There are many different kinds of diplexers. Passive diplexers offer a little more than combiners. They take two signals (one from the satellite and another from the ANT) that won’t interfere with each other and put them on the same cable. Active diplexers add power to the line to limit the amount of loss that happens when signals move through a system. Active diplexers can also shift frequencies so that they work together. When a diplexer does this, the diplexer would also be a modulator” [LemmyMorgan].

Amateur radio diplexer. Image by Ukamsat.


An example of a duplexer operation. Image courtesy of The Jack Daniel Company.

A duplexers use of the single antenna by both transmitter and receiver parts of a single device or two devices is known as a duplexer. In other words, a duplexer is a device that couples the transmitter and receiver to the antenna while producing isolation between transmitter and receiver. Both transmit and receive paths usually will have frequency bands very nearer, hence narrowband filters are used to separate these frequencies” [RFWireless].

The ISIS VHF uplink/UHF downlink transceiver is a full-duplex communication system for CubeSat TT&C applications. The radio can operate in commercial and amateur bands of the VHF/UHF frequency spectrum. It is low power, low mass, and highly configurable, offering the flexibility of changing data rates and frequencies in flight. Image by Cubesat Shop.


An RF power amplifier “is a type of electronic amplifier that converts a low-power radio-frequency signal into a higher power signal. Typically, RF power amplifiers drive the antenna of a transmitter. Design goals often include gain, power output, bandwidth, power efficiency, linearity (low signal compression at rated output), input and output impedance matching, and heat dissipation” [Wikipedia].

An RF power amplifier. CC BY 2.0. Image by Jeff Keyzer.


Bandpass filter in microstrip using edge-coupled halfwave resonators. The via fences on each side are not part of the filter but form part of the enclosure. The substrate thickness is about 0.5mm, and the metallization thickness is perhaps 20μm. The passband is at the bottom of the Ku band, so the substrate dielectric constant must be about 3.5. For scale: the pitch of the via fences is precisely 1mm. Image by Größe dieser Vorschau. 

Radiofrequency (RF) filters represent a class of electronic filter, designed to operate on signals in the megahertz to gigahertz frequency ranges (medium frequency to extremely high frequency). Such filters are commonly used as building blocks for duplexers and diplexers to combine or separate multiple frequency bands.

Four general filter functions are desirable” [Wikipedia]:

A graph of amplifier bandwidth at different gains. Adding negative feedback limits the amplification but improves the frequency response of the amplifier. Image by Petteri Aimonen.


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A Guide to CubeSat Mission and Bus Design Copyright © by Frances Zhu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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