6. Communications

6.9 Communications Analysis and Link Budget

“the following video is a duplicate video also found in section 6.7”

An example of a link budget in diagram form. Image by Dr. Akin.

“You will also need the following information that you and your customer can supply [Bill Sepmeier]:

  • Latitude and longitude of the uplink and downlink earth stations.
  • Planned data or information rate.
  • Modulation type (BPSK or QPSK)
  • Forward error correction rate (1/2 or 3/4)
  • Spread Factor – if any (use only for spread spectrum systems)
  • Uplink and Downlink frequencies.
  • Uplink and Downlink antenna sizes.
  • Uplink and Downlink antenna efficiency.
  • Uplink and Downlink transmit and receive gains at frequency.
  • Minimum digital signal strength (EB/No) for desired Bit Error Rate (BER) performance.

Once the above information is available, it is a simple matter to plug the data into the spreadsheet and calculate the link budget.”

Link budget calculators for both an RF and an optical communications system:


Suggested Activity

Produce a link budget




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