4. Structures and Mechanisms

authored by Dr. Zhu

Learning Objectives
  • Understand the role of structure subsystem in the context of spacecraft as a whole and between other subsystems
  • Familiarize with typical requirements and configurations
  • Differentiate phases of structures development for verification and validation
  • Conduct structural analysis (load and vibe)

Structures and Mechanisms Chapter Content

4.1 Definition

4.2 Subsystem Responsibilities

4.3 Typical Requirements and Design Considerations

    • Artemis Structures Requirements
    • Suggested Activity
    • Requirements Compliance Matrix

4.4 General Arrangement and Design Drivers

    • Geometry
      • Artemis CubeSat Kit Arrangement
    • Mass
    • Structural Loads
    • Materials
    • Process

4.5 Mechanisms

    • Deployers
    • Restraints or Launch Locks
    • Separation Mechanisms
    • Ordinance Devices
    • Spin Bearings
    • Scan Platforms

4.6 Structural Analysis

    • Safety Factors
    • Load Equations
      • Ultimate and Yield Loads
      • Buckling Load
      • Beam Stiffness
      • Beam Natural Frequencies
      • Random Vibe and Acoustic Equivalent g’s
      • Thermal Load
      • Simple Pressurized Shell
    • Fracture and Fatigue Analysis
    • Finite Element Analysis
      • Artemis Finite Element Analysis Results
    • Suggested Activity
    • Reference Documents

Launch Services Program Level Dispenser and CubeSat Requirements Document [NASA LSP-REQ-317.01] & [CubeSat Design Specifications Rev 14]

Structural Requirements Excerpt from NanoRacks External CubeSat Deployer (NRCSD-E) Interface Definition Document (IDD) [NR-NRCSD-S0004]


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A Guide to CubeSat Mission and Bus Design Copyright © by Frances Zhu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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