7. Thermal Control
authored by Dr. Zhu

Learning Objectives
- Understand the role of thermal control subsystem in the context of spacecraft as a whole and between other subsystems
- Show the relationship of spacecraft parameters in heat transfer equations
- Survey different methods of passive and active thermal control
- Analyze and apply control to (regulate the temperatures of components within an S/C) manipulate the thermal profile of a satellite
Thermal Control Chapter Contents
Learning Objectives
7.1 Subsystem Responsibilities
7.2 General Design Process
7.3 Typical Requirements and Design Considerations
- Suggested Activity
7.4 General Arrangement and Design Drivers
7.5 Fundamentals of Heat Transfer
- Heat Transfer Mechanisms
- Conduction
- Convection
- Radiation
- Radiation Interactions
- Thermal Radiation to Space
- Solar Irradiance
- Albedo
- Thermal Emission from Earth
- Thermal Equilibrium
- Environment
- Surface Properties
- Internal Power Generation
- Heat Transfer Mechanisms
7.6 Technologies
- Passive
- Materials and Coatings
- Heat Shunts and Straps
- Heat Pipes
- Heat Sinks and Radiators
- Insulation
- Radioisotope Heater Unit
- Active
- Heaters
- Louvers
- Pumped Fluid Loops
- Cryocoolers
- Passive
7.7 Thermal Analysis and Test
- Finite Element Model and Analysis
- Space
- Time
- Thermal Vacuum Testing
- Artemis Thermal Profile
- Finite Element Model and Analysis
Suggested Activity