6. Communications

authored by Dr. Zhu with major contributions from Dr. Daniel Selva of Texas A&M

Learning Objectives
  • Understand the role of the telecommunications subsystem in the context of spacecraft as a whole and between other subsystems
  • Calculate the equations of transmission and reception as a function of spacecraft parameters
  • Review different modulation schema, technologies, and constraints
  • Produce a link budget

Communications Chapter Content

Learning Objectives


6.1 Subsystem Responsibilities

6.2 General Design Process

6.3 Typical Requirements and Design Considerations

    • Artemis Requirements
    • Suggested Activity

6.4 General Arrangement and Design Drivers

6.5 Fundamentals in Signals

    • Analog/Digital Signals
      • Quantization
      • Sampling
      • Aliasing
      • Nyquist Theorem
    • Coding
      • Source Coding
      • Channel Coding
    • Modulations
      • Amplitude Modulation (AM)
      • Frequency Modulation (FM)
      • Phase Modulation
      • Digital Modulation
      • Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
      • Digital vs. Analog Modulation
    • Polarization
    • Bit Error Rate (BER)

6.6 Link Budget

    • Antenna Gain
    • Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power
    • Free Space Losses
    • Frequency Selection
    • Noise
      • Signal Noise
      • System Noise
      • Environmental Noise
    • Link Margin

6.7  Technologies

    • Antennas
    • Diplexer

6.8 Communications Analysis and Link Budget

    • Suggested Activity
    • Appendix: Optical Communications
      • Optical Modulation
      • Detection
      • Noise in Optical Communications
      • Optical Link Budgets


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A Guide to CubeSat Mission and Bus Design Copyright © by Frances Zhu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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