
authored by Dr. Frankie Zhu with contributions and edits from Dr. Sorensen

Let’s answer key questions of who, what, when, why, and how around spacecraft to give you context. Although not strictly technical information, the context makes for a good engineer/scientist. We’ll review an abbreviated history of spacecraft, the major players in the aerospace sector, technology and science that can only be conducted in space, the definition of spacecraft, and how to generally build spacecraft (introduction for the rest of the textbook).

Learning Objectives
  • Answer key questions of who, what, when, why, and how around spacecraft to give you context. Although not strictly technical information, the context makes for a good engineer/scientist.
  • Review an abbreviated history of spacecraft, the major players in the aerospace sector, technology and science that can only be conducted in space, the definition of spacecraft, and how to generally build spacecraft (introduction for the rest of the textbook).

Introduction Chapter Outline

Learning Objectives

1.1 When? (Past, Present, Future)

1.2 Who? (Major Players)

1.3 Why? (Applications)

1.4 What? (Spacecraft Definition)

1.5 How? (The General Design Process)


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A Guide to CubeSat Mission and Bus Design Copyright © by Frances Zhu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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