Chapter 9. The Neoclassical Perspective


adaptive expectations
the theory that people look at past experience and gradually adapt their beliefs and behavior as circumstances change
expected inflation
a future rate of inflation that consumers and firms build into current decision making
neoclassical perspective
the philosophy that, in the long run, the business cycle will fluctuate around the potential, or full-employment, level of output
Phillips curve
the tradeoff between unemployment and inflation

physical capital per person
the amount and kind of machinery and equipment available to help a person produce a good or service

rational expectations
the theory that people form the most accurate possible expectations about the future that they can, using all information available to them


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UH Macroeconomics 2022 Copyright © by Terianne Brown and Cynthia Foreman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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